If you have a newsletter registration strategy on your website, blog or another online property, is it successful? Email marketing with a newsletter is one of the best online marketing strategies you can use to engage with your target audience. With a couple of optimization methods, you can increase the collection of new email addresses with your campaign.

If you are running a basic email registration capture form on your website to build an email list, you most likely have your own contact form to collect all the email addresses. Find below a couple of tips to help you optimize this form and process to increase the signups.

Newsletter registration tips

Target market: Focus on your best customers. Your emails and offer should always be focused to grab their attention on what you offer and what you do. This way you can be assured that the list you are sending emails to will have a high chance of reading what you are offering.

Your offer: To entice your visitors to sign up for the newsletter, offer them something valuable and that interests them. This could be in the form of a free voucher, ebook or any other downloadable content.

Visibility: A good place to put the email capture form is in the sidebar where it’s always visible to your visitors. When your visitors can’t see your newsletter registration form, they won’t register. Simple as that. Make accessible and clearly visible.

Headlines: Use magnetic headlines that will catch the attention of your visitors. Be smart with your headlines and use headings such as “Free ebook download” or “Free report”.

User information: Never ask for more user information than what is required. Use the bare minimum such as only the name, telephone number, and email address. If you have a long form to fill out, people will leave.

Privacy: Include a statement on the form explaining that you are keeping their information confidential and you are not going to share it with anyone else.