What do you want to accomplish with your business website? Are you focusing on search engine optimization or conversions to boost your sales and leads? Are you only interested in website visitors that is not converting at all or do you want to use your website as a business tool that can help you reach your business objectives?

This is a big problem that many website owners are facing. The answer is that you should focus on both. You don’t have to build a website with big red call to action buttons that looks spammy if you are interested in visitors and conversions. All you have to do is make sure that your website layout and design has a clear path your visitors can take.

Traffic or conversions?

Never focus on only choosing between generating traffic and conversion. Design your website so that you can use an SEO campaign on it that will draw in targeted visitors and then guiding them on what they should do next. My goal when working with the websites of my clients is always to improve qualified traffic and increasing the conversion rates.

Having top organic rankings on Google will ensure that your target audience finds your site, but if you haven’t optimized it to drive conversions, it will be pretty useless. Balance your efforts and your website will start working for you to reach your business goals.

Search engine optimization is a long term strategy and can help you get good organic rankings for keywords specific to your business and niche. The keywords you are ranking for will be bring in people with a wide range of expectations. Some will take time and think about your offer where others will take an action immediately. This is just one example where optimizing your conversions and SEO works hand in hand.

Align these two so that they focus on the same goal. The main goal with your website is to increase targeted qualified visitor actions over both the long therm and short term.