Blog marketing is a powerful way that you can use to increase your organic search rankings on Google. Because of the real time nature of blogs and the RSS (real simple syndication) connected to blogs, blogs broadcast new content over the web faster than a static website could ever do. Overall, blogs and dynamic websites can play a key role if you are busy with a search engine optimization strategy. Writing your blog posts to add value to your SEO plan is a great way to increase organic traffic to your website.

How you are writing the content of your blog marketing posts can play a key role with your SEO strategy and affects your overall online marketing campaign. Here’s a couple of tips to help you get started with this.

Blog marketing tips

Keyword blogging plan: Create a keyword blogging plan that is focused around specific keywords and phrases that you want to target. When writing a new blog post, write a keyword phrase around a single topic.

Title: Use one of your keywords in the title of the blog post. The blog title is one of the most important parts of your blog post. Firstly, write your blog post titles to attract your target audience.

Content: Use your selected keywords and phrased in the first paragraph of your blog post content. Google places higher importance to keywords found in the beginning of the content. Never overuse your keyword phrases in the content so that it looks spammy. Make it look natural.

Links: Use the keyword phrase at least once in a link to one of the most relevant pages on your website. Use the exact keyword phrase as the anchor text in your link. This can increase the overall rankings of the page you are linking to. Make sure the page you are linking to is relevant to the keyword.

Blog post length: Make sure that your blog posts content length is at least 300 words. Content is king in the eyes of Google. Satisfy your readers with content that is to the point and for the search engines by including keywords and links in your content.